Hi! If you've made it to this portion of our website, you must be the curious type! Welcome to Quizmasters. If you've heard of us, great! If you haven't, it's nice to meet you. We do trivia, but it's actually fun.
We started Quizmasters in 1999. Those were good times back then. Lots of clip art. But here we are, 20+ years later and Quizmasters is a family run business and Manitoba's premiere trivia entertainment company. We learned pretty early on that trivia can be more than just geography, science, sports, and history questions. It can be a night out, a year end party or a great way to get together with friends. We do our best to make our trivia fun, entertaining, innovative and interesting. We've done over 800 events spanning two decades, so we must be doing something right.
Trust us when we say you are good at trivia, and you'll have a great time doing it!

Meet Robin - The original Quizmaster! Robin has has been hosting Quiz Nights in Manitoba for over 20 years. He attended his first quiz night back in 1998 while on a teacher exchange in Australia. He knew right away he wanted to bring them back home to Manitoba. He immediately started Quizmasters with his wife Maria and has been hosting Quiz Nights ever since.

Robin taught middle school for an astounding 33 years before officially retiring several years ago. With his experience teaching classrooms of 13 year olds, handling crowds of 200 people is no biggie. He knows how to work a room and has the experience to back it up. Quizmasters wouldn't be the company it is today without Robin at the helm.

When he's not in front of a crowd, Robin can be found watching his favourite University of Winnipeg sports teams, cross country skiing, and taking his grandchildren for walks.

Meet Evan. He's been hosting Quiz Nights for over 10 years and is sure to bring a mix of fun, sarcasm and laughs to every event he hosts! Evan has been helping with the family business for well over 15 years in various roles. If it's something we show the audience, chances are Evan created it.

Evan has always been a sponge for information - much to the annoyance of his parents. You know those kids who constantly ask, "Why?". Yeah that's him. He makes sure everything runs smoothly both in front and behind the scenes. With Evan's assistance, Quizmasters has grown to be Manitoba's premiere trivia entertainment company!

When he's not answering emails and preparing new content, Evan is probably restoring a piece of antique cast iron cookware, taking his daughter to the zoo, or coming up with new house projects he has no time to complete.